One of my favorite things about the holiday season is getting mail (and I’m not just talking about all the packages from my Cyber Monday shopping spree). 😁 I love getting cards from family and friends: seeing the photos of their growing families, and just hearing what they’ve been up to over the past year. It’s a simple and beautiful reminder that we’re still connected, even though we’re living far apart.
Because of this, sending cards is a big part of my holiday tradition, and I hope it brings as much joy to those who receive them! In many ways, it’s a labor of love — we’ve lived a lot of places and met a lot of amazing people, so there are a lot of addresses on my holiday card list.
This is my first year working for Flexibits, so one of the ways I got myself acquainted with all things Fantastical was to read the support documentation. (Author’s note: ‘all things Flexibits’ would technically be more accurate… but ‘all things Fantastical’ was an irresistible phrase!)
When I came across the section on printing in Cardhop, I swear I could feel something pop in my brain. Did you know that Cardhop can PRINT LABELS?
So, this year, instead of spending several evenings carefully copying and double-checking addresses, I’m just going to press command-P, put on my favorite Christmas movie, and pour myself a celebratory glass of eggnog. 🤩
What are your favorite unsung features of Cardhop and Fantastical? I can’t wait to learn (and share!) more mind-blowing productivity tricks!
Last but not least, happy holidays from all of us at Flexibits! However you celebrate, we wish you a wonderful and peaceful holiday season and a very happy (and productive 😉) new year.